FREE Using Social Media eBook

freeebookcover1After the past week’s distractions, I’ve been able to finalize a FREE eBook that compiles the Using Social Media Series into one easy-to-use guide. The previous posts included:


Again, the purpose of this eBook is to provide a quick guide for using social media. If you find this eBook valuable, please forward this to your friends, share on Facebook, retweet it or let me know what you think. I just ask that you provide attribution to the site.


Let me know what you think. I look forward to improving this moving forward.




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FREE Using Social Media eBook by @csalomonlee: (updated link) tags:

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All content copyright Cece Salomon-Lee, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, with the attribution: By Cece Salomon-Lee, PR Meets Marketing, and a link to the post.





9 responses to “FREE Using Social Media eBook

  1. Pingback: Free Using Social Media eBook « Dr. Scott’s Cool Marketing and Business Blog

  2. Pingback: eBook gebruik social media | Sales 2.0

  3. A great guide Cece, thanks for putting this out. It is very timley and I find it very helpful.

  4. Thanks for sharing this. I was glad to find that I knew some of the things you discussed, but also glad to find things I didn’t know about, but will pursue.

    Great job!

  5. download it, its so good a book

  6. @michael, mary and raiderhost – I’m glad that you enjoyed the eBook!

  7. derekshowerman

    We just finished our Social Media Strategy eBook. Feel free to download for free and share as you like. Would love to hear from you with feedback. 🙂

  8. Thanks so much for the great guide for social media. Enjoyed the post! cheers

  9. Pingback: Social Marketing Strategy 101: Are you ready? « PR Meets Marketing