About Me

Cece_smallI build and execute successful strategies for public relations, customer communications, conferences/speaker programs, analyst relations, and social media. This includes over 15 years experience working with start-up and established organizations in enterprise software, SaaS and digital entertainment. Throughout my career, I have developed best practices and processes for combining emerging technology trends with existing strategies.
Through this blog, I explore the intersection of PR and marketing. I view all public relations, from media relations, analyst relations, to implementing social media strategies, as an integral part of marketing. I develop and implement strategies that have demonstrable ROI, such as impact on website traffic or targeting key audiences for lead generation. My blog is listed on the Advertising Age top 500 blogs and has been ranked on several PR lists.
If you are interested in discussing how my expertise can contribute to your public relations, communications and marketing needs, please email me at cece.lee[@]gmail [dot] com.
Disclosure: This is a personal blog. The opinions expressed on this blog represent my own and do not represent those of my clients or its employees.
View Cece Salomon-Lee's profile on LinkedIn   Follow me on Twitter  
I have also been quoted in various outlets as a spokesperson for my previous companies or on the topics of public relations, marketing and social media, including:
The Five “Don’ts” of Personal Branding, Personal Branding Magazine (May 2009, subscription required)

Requested to be Your Friend, one+ (February 2009)

“The homepage to your online presence is a Google search…That’s why being active on these sites is important. At the end of the day, you have to hang up your shingle in places that are relevant to your business.” 


“Go with the Flow: Navigating Streaming Communications”, eContent Magazine, (November 2007)

“If you regularly use the internet, you have likely used some version of streaming communication …If you watch a news video on CNN or listen to internet radio, that’s streaming communication.” It’s more than YouTube and web conferences, she adds.


The Event Marketing Handbook by Allison Saget (Dearborn Trade Publishing, 2006)




19 responses to “About Me

  1. You misspelled “tchotchke.”

  2. Why don’t you reveal your name in the “About” page?

  3. Very good points. I’ll make the updates. Thanks!

  4. Hi Cece
    Sorry to leave a comment, but I don’t see an email contact anywhere. Want to point you towards an interesting site without spamming you.

  5. Pingback: Blogger McSocialites: Laycock, Lee, Livingston, Magno, Maltoni « StickyFigure

  6. Hi Cece,

    I don’t see an email contact so apologies but I see you are going to the blogger-social as am I. I also have a great opporunity at ad:tech in San Fran I’d like to speak to you about. Please ping me so I can tell you more about it.



  7. Hi Cece –
    So you’re going to Blogger Social, huh? I saw that you’re interested in comin to brunch on Sunday; send me your contact info and I’ll give you the scoop!
    Ryan Barrett

  8. Hi Cece
    Sorry to leave a comment but since I didnt see an email either I wanted to ask you to check out our virtual show eComXpo 2009 at ecomxpo.com since you had expressed an interest in virtual shows.
    Registration is absolutely free and we have an exciting show lined up with some fantastic speakers.

    Please do spread the word around and we hope to see you at the show.


  9. Thanks Sana – but if you checked, that while this is a competitive solution to one provided by my company, the show isn’t relevant to what i’m interested in – how this provides an interesting point from a PR and marketing perspective. As such, I took off the link to the show. Cece

  10. Hey Cece,

    I found this site by running some analytics for one of our clients on Black Friday. I think it would make sense to chat if you have some time, own a proprietary technology that compliments what you are doing on this blog, extremely well. Please email me if you’d like to set up some time to chat.


  11. BTW…not trying to sell you anything at all. Have some very cool technology that I thought it would make sense to give you access to.


  12. Hello my name is Bisi and i live in the Maryland, Virginia and DC area. I would love to talk to you about Marketing and Pr of my up coming event if you could give me a call at 301-440-4853 that would be great.

  13. Cece — hey there, hope you’re summer is going great. Need RSS feed so I read your stuff more regularly — is there one? Can’t find on site.


  14. csalomonlee

    Thanks Chris – WordPress (for some reason) deleted my side bar widgets. I’ve added an email subscription right now and will get the RSS feeds up shortly. I do plan to debut a new website shortly so stay tuned!

  15. Thanks — I’ll watch for that. Been trying to get better about finding time to review my aggregator.

    Cool on the re-design – boo on the missing widgets!

  16. csalomonlee

    @Chris – Very weird indeed. I’ve just added the RSS feed back to the side bar and you can subscribe at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/prmeetsmarketing. Check out for details on new website shortly!

  17. Pingback: Cece Salomon-Lee Interviews Me on Social Media — Chris Abraham

  18. Being in the Sales Training Business it is good to see an article written by someone who has a real grasp of the subject matter!

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